Bordeaux and Saint-Étienne, two monuments of French football in danger

Bordeaux – Saint-Etienne are above all two monuments of French football in great difficulty. Two clubs which combine between them 16 titles of champion of France, ten for the Greens, six for the Navy and White. But that was before ! Since 2013, the two clubs have not won a title. Worse, they are sinking little by little to the point of fighting today only to finish in Ligue 2. A division that Saint-Etienne has not known since 2004 and the Girondins since 1992. In short, that is to say where these two clubs have arrived.

Two clubs also in great difficulty financially. In Bordeaux, Gérard Lopez saved the country last summer. In Saint-Etienne, the club has been on sale for several years without finding a buyer for the moment. The Girondins and the Greens are completely on sight this season and the industrial disaster is not far away.

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In accounting terms, the Greens maintain a small margin. A victory in advance six days before the end of the season, to put it simply. Saint-Etienne, 17th in Ligue 1, is four points ahead of the Girondins. Suffice to say that this Wednesday the pressure will be even stronger on the Navy and White. Victory is almost obligatory against the Greens as against Metz 10 days ago. But, Saint-Etienne must not relax either since this team will face Monaco, Rennes and Nice after this match. A more than complicated schedule. This Bordeaux – Saint-Étienne will therefore be very expensive in the race to maintain it.

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