“Reality caught up with me when I arrived in DH”, recalls Tidiane Keita in the Tribune 100% USO

Three days after the defeat conceded at home by US Orléans against Châteauroux (1-2), Tidiane Keita was invited from 100% USO grandstand on Facebook Live on France Blue Orleans. A program to debrief this cruel setback that occurred in the last moments of the meeting. It was also an opportunity to look back on the career and career of the midfielder, who arrived in Loiret and 2019. Trained in Toulousewhere he was born, the 25-year-old was not kept at the training center and was forced to go through the amateur world, in division of honor (formerly Regional 1, the equivalent of the sixth level), before climbing the ladder. (From the 34th minute in Facebook Live, available at the bottom of this article)

“Head in the clouds” when you join a training center according to Tidiane Keita

Tidiane Keita says “not have been impacted“, when he learned of his ousting from the TFC, which he had joined at the age of 11. “I think I was not really aware of things at that time. I was 17, I’m leaving Toulouse and I told myself that I was going to go to Bordeaux or Nantes, and then reality caught up with me.“, he details. The reality in question is this famous “DH” with Albia level which the Toulousain was not intended for when he began his training.

When you join a training center, you have your head in the clouds. We are pampered, we have the impression of being a bit of a star, if that does not work there we will be transferred elsewhere. And it’s by returning to the amateur classes, especially in DH, that we realize how lucky we were…“, continues the midfielder. Even if he has “no regrets“, the former Tefece understood “that there are situations that you have to manage better as a young player”.

I was an amateur, I can very well go back, so you have to fight to stay at the professional level – Tidiane Keita

An experience that has brought today Tidiane Keita to provide advice to the youngest members of the Orleans workforce. “Knowing a little about the hard times, it allowed me to understand how lucky I was, so if I see a young person who doesn’t really want to, I hope I can get into his head and explain to him that he has a huge chance and that he must fight no matter what because it could be much worse“, explains the one who arrived in Orléans in the summer of 2019, after two seasons in Albi then three in N2 at Colomierswhere he stood out during his last year by scoring in particular seven goals.

Her signing at the USOthen in League 2is then experienced as “liberation and pride in the efforts made“. “_When I arrived, I had stars in my eyes. My first trip was to Nancy, in a great stadium, I was amazed, but the previous situation means that I can’t tell myself ‘There, it’s done‘. I was an amateur, I can very well go back there, so you have to fight to stay at the professional level_”, says, head on shoulders, Tidiane Keita. A speech that can recall that of Mohamed Cissé, already in the 100% USO Grandstandwhen the young Orleans striker admitted not having “do whatever it takes to make it work” to RC Lens.

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