this photo which reveals his torso and creates the buzz on the Web!

Since qualifying for the second round of the presidential election, the Head of State has continued his tour of France in order to convince voters who did not turn to him in the first ballot on April 10. . If Marine Le Pen tries to become president by summoning the press to unfold her program, the head of state is betting on the ground in order to come and meet the entire electorate and especially the discontented.

Monday April 11, the President of the Republic was taken to task by a dental assistant, unhappy with the way in which Emmanuel Macron had expressed himself about those who refused to be vaccinated. The young woman reproached him in particular for his expression “annoy the non-vaccinated”. The next day, in Alsace, the Head of State again took it for his rank. “I have never seen a president of the Fifth Republic as bad as you“, threw a visibly displeased onlooker at him. An exchange of rare violence which caused a lot of reaction.

But as his supporters specify, Emmanuel Macron wants to “wet the shirt”. Both literally and figuratively. Saturday April 16, 2022, Emmanuel Macron held an important meeting in Marseille, where Jean-Luc Mélenchon had won the vote on April 10. The candidate must get the votes of 7 million rebellious voters, some of whom would be tempted by the blank vote in view of the latest internal party consultations.

And to do this, the husband of Brigitte Macron has indeed wet the shirt. In order to give himself a little air after his performance, the president even allowed himself to unbutton his shirt. Soazig de la Moissonnière, the president-candidate’s official photographer, posted on his Instagram account a series of photos of the head of state during his trip. And one of them where he appears open-chested and very hairy caused a lot of reaction from Internet users. Very quickly, the cliché went viral as well as its very many parodies.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: Brigitte Macron: this totally inappropriate joke…

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