what Emmanuel Macron promises on pensions, purchasing power and health

The two finalists in the presidential election may agree on certain social issues, but their projects stand out clearly on key points such as pensions, health or purchasing power. After Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron answers questions from France 3.

For Emmanuel Macron, this campaign between two rounds is nothing like that of the first, which took place in the shadow of the war in Ukraine for the president-candidate.

He had only made one meeting, few trips and had refused to debate with the 11 other contenders for the Élysée, triggering the anger of his opponents, who had accused him of wanting to “step over” the ballot .

For his first big meeting between the two rounds, Emmanuel Macron offered himself a postcard from Marseille on Saturday, where Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round on Sunday (31%), nearly nine points ahead. the outgoing president.

It was at the end of this meeting that the Head of State took part in the interview exercise, in the same format as his rival at the Elysée, Marine Le Pen.

duration of the video: 10min 30

Presidential 2022: exclusive interview with candidate Emmanuel Macron


Here are three takeaways from these Q&As.

1. Bridging the divide between town and country

Taking note of a “need proximity”the candidate for the Elysée insisted on his record with the establishment of “Maison France service” in each canton.

“We did one per canton in accordance with the commitment I made in 2019”. They are intended to bring together all the State services (Pôle Emploi, prefectural branch, etc.) as well as the operators (electricity, water, etc.).

video length: 01min 21

Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron and public service


Emmanuel Macron has also promised to end the digital divide with the deployment of fiber “plan 3”. “We will be completely finished by relaunching investment by the end of 2024”.

The outgoing candidate promises to continue to maintain essential public services such as the Post Office “through the Maisons France service” and to continue “a moratorium on the closure of schools in rural areas”.

2. Increase pensions

On this subject, we remember Emmanuel Macron first proposed to push back the legal age of departure from 62 to 65, at the rate of four months a year, thus projecting himself beyond the next five-year term.

But as soon as he qualified for the second round, he opened the door to a decline limited to 64 years, with a “review clause” in five years. Without calling into question the planned extension of the contribution period for a full pension, which must go from just under 42 years currently to 43 by 2035.

video length: 01min 43

Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron and purchasing power


Emmanuel Macron goes further: “As of this summer I want to be able to increase the pension by 4%, for the smallest pensions those below 1,000 euros (…) we will bring them to 1,100 euros”.

“For people who work, we will remove their contribution to public broadcasting, 38 euros per year, and we will allow them to have precisely up to 6,000 euros in premium paid by the employer, without charge for the employer and without tax for them”.

3. Review the health system

Faced with a sector tested by two years of health crisis, Emmanuel Macron explains that he wants to reorganize working conditions, “because today people no longer want to work in certain places because the conditions are not good.”

video length: 01min 32

Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron and the medical deserts


“We are going to put in place a new method. In each territory, the elected officials with the doctors and the other paramedical professions will decide on the solutions. We must allow the hiring of doctors while being salaried”.

Emmanuel Macron also proposes to introduce a fourth year of internship for general practitioners in rural areas”a measure already mentioned by its Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

“It’s an overall revolution, adds the outgoing candidate, we invested with the hospital with Ségur and now we have to change the working conditions and the organization of the health system in the territory”.

To fight against the medical deserts which affect four million French people, Emmanuel Macron promises assistants “to the doctors who will go to these areas and help to relieve them of medical acts and save time.”

According to an Ipsos Sopra / Steria poll published on Saturday, the outgoing president would win the second round of the presidential election against Ms. Le Pen, with a score of 55.5% against 44.5% for the RN candidate.

And still with several unknowns, in particular the level of abstention and the postponement of the 21.95% of votes which went to the rebellious candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The evolution of voting intentions for the second round can be followed on the franceinfo site.

The Mélenchon electorate brings together distinct components, but especially 18-24 year olds attentive to global warming and “new cultural struggles of the left”, in particular “feminism” and “anti-racism”, notes a note published on Saturday from the Jean-Jaures Foundation.

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