Nabilla takes a stand and reveals which candidate she will vote for in the second round

On 10th April last, the French had the opportunity to go to the polls to vote among the 12 candidates running in the presidential election. Around 8 p.m., the results finally came in and, as in 2017, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will face each other in the second round. A unique opportunity for celebrities to position themselves. If Delphine Wespiser, Miss France 2012, has announced her desire to give her voice to the candidate of the National Rally on April 24, others, on the contrary, have clearly shown their intention to counter the far right.

Clarisse Agbegnenou, Pierre Gasly, Tony Parker, Estelle Mossely, Laure Manaudou, Michaël Jeremiasz… All have signed a platform to block Marine Le Pen. ” We, French sportsmen and women from all walks of life and all disciplines, cannot imagine that this historic moment is marked with the seal of a far-right presidency. While we are fully aware of the difficulties that many French people are going through, we are convinced that voting for a party that would endanger republican values ​​would be the worst remedy. “, can we read in particular in the Parisian.

Nabilla will give her voice to Emmanuel Macron

For his part, Nabilla also intends to vote for the opposing party of the RN. On social networks, she also called on her community to join her. ” As the second round of the presidential elections approaches, Nabilla, who lives in Dubai, calls to vote for Emmanuel Macron “, Indicates Gossip Room on his Instagram account before taking up the words of the wife of Thomas Vergara. ” Because I love France from all walks of life, of all colors and backgrounds, because I teach my son tolerance every day, because I want my children to grow up in a peaceful France, the April 24 I vote Emmanuel Macron ! “A statement that puzzles some Internet users insofar as the star has deserted France for a few years now.


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