after five games without winning, Saint-Etienne overthrows Brest and leaves the red zone

Even without shining, Saint-Etienne has, at least, shown heart. Led from the start by catchy Brestois, the Greens found the resources to overturn the meeting and win a precious success in Ligue 1 (2-1), Saturday, April 16. After five games in a row without winning, this victory allows the Foréziens to extricate themselves at least temporarily from the red zone, before Sunday’s games.

Last weekend, the Stéphanois had “puts a whole club to shame”, said winger Denis Bouanga, after the rouste suffered in Lorient (6-2). This humiliation, Mahdi Camara had not experienced it. The young midfielder had been dismissed by Pascal Dupraz after a fight with a young man from the training center. Saturday, his return proved to be a winner. With a double from two corners, the ex-captain restarted the machine.

His two goals reflect the Saint-Etienne match. Not very academic and probably a bit lucky, they stem above all from the determination shown by the Greens. Camara first benefited from Brest defensive errors to conclude at the far post (14th), before deflecting the leather with the toe (39th).

A success all the more salutary as the Greens were previously led, after an early goal from their former ally Franck Honorat (8th). If their offensive production sometimes left something to be desired, the Stéphanois held on defensively. In difficulty on the Breton goal, Paul Bernardoni was the illustration, with a decisive parade at the end of the match (90th + 5). Apart from this burst of pride, the attacks from less mobilized Brestois (twelfth and almost saved) were not really sharp. But for a rearguard who had faltered ten times in two games, victory is essential.

Provisionally 17th, Saint-Etienne is two points ahead of Clermont, now a roadblocker, before the Auvergnats move to Metz on Sunday (3 p.m.). Above all, ASSE is relaunching at the best of times, four days before a capital trip to Bordeaux (19th), a direct opponent in the fight to maintain it.

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