A journalist from “Current Values” violently attacks Nabilla after taking a stand for Macron!

In a few days, the second round of presidential elections will take place. Like five years ago, the final duel pits Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron. The candidate for re-election no longer has the same popularity as before and must redouble his efforts to hope to defeat his adversary. If the losers of the first round gave clear and precise indications to their votes, the world of sport and the scene also wanted to give their opinion on the question. Whether for Clara Luciani, Florence Foresti or Guillaume Canet, all are calling to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron in the second round, on April 24. Another show business personality also announced his vote, it’s Nabilla. However, his tweet to praise Brigitte Macron’s husband made people cringe.

This Friday, April 15, Nabilla said she was going to vote for Emmanuel Macron. Her choice, she explains in this message: “Because I love France from all walks of life, of all colors and backgrounds, because I teach my son tolerance every day, because I want my children to grow up in a peaceful France, on April 24 I vote Emmanuel Macron”, she wrote. A tweet, which quickly reacted. The political journalist Current Values, Jules Torres, didn’t hesitate to put the former reality TV star back in place. “Sentenced to six months in prison for having stabbed her companion, Nabilla, who lives in Dubai and wants a “peaceful France” for her children, calls for a vote for Macron”he replied.

Hard hard !

Other Internet users have also shared their mixed opinion on this statement from the young mother. “She says from Dubai. Country of tolerance, welcome and appeasement where these children grow up in luxury”, says Chic&Cop, or even Mathilda_Nemesis who is more cash by writing: “Except that we don’t care about the opinion of an ex-con expatriate in Dubai”. Shalini Spencer’s message also echoes the opinions of other tweets:“You want tolerance and you live in a country that exploits people! Take a walk outside the luxurious center of Dubai and you will see the slaves!! A little easy to come and lecture when you don’t even suffer the pressure of what French citizens are experiencing”. For the moment, Nabilla has not responded to these messages against her.

See also: Jazz clashes Nabilla

Helene Bardeau

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