Washington says it is “deeply concerned” by the violence in Jerusalem

More than 150 Palestinians were injured Friday in clashes with Israeli police on the esplanade of the Mosques in the Holy City.

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“We call on all parties to exercise restraint, to avoid any provocation by words or deeds”. In a press release published Friday evening, April 15, the American State Department said to itself “deeply concerned about the violence in Jerusalem”. More than 150 Palestinians were injured during the day in clashes with Israeli police on the esplanade of the Mosques.

>> REPORT. Jerusalem: In the Old City, residents fear a new escalation of violence

Islam’s third holiest site, the Esplanade of the Mosques – also called Temple Mount by the Jews – is located in the Old City in East Jerusalem. This area, occupied since 1967 by Israel, has been the scene of numerous violent clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian demonstrators. Friday’s oppositions are the first in this place since the start of Ramadan, raising fears of a conflagration in the Palestinian Territories.

According to a report from the Palestinian Red Crescent at the end of the afternoon, “153 wounded Palestinians were transferred” in hospitals in Jerusalem and “tens” other treatises on the site. For its part, the Israeli police reported at least three wounded in its ranks. About 400 people were arrested, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club, an NGO defending detainees.

France also called for “greater restraint”while Qatar, which has acted as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians in the past, expressed its “firm condemnation” of the’“attack on the faithful” Muslims.

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