TPMP: Benjamin Castaldi finally back, the reason for his absence revealed

Do not touch My TV ended in style this Friday, April 15! After several days away from the sets, Benjamin Castaldi returned to the show and headed the program. Cyril Hanouna having left for the weekend, the host asked Aurore Aleman’s husband to ensure the presentation of the talk show. And he was in great shape contrary to what many might think in recent days. Benjamin Castaldi was once again conspicuous by his absence during the week.

Seeing Benjamin Castaldi cheerful at the controls of TPMP, Bernard Montiel was more than happy, and to see the good humor and enthusiasm of his colleague, and to finally see him back! Gabriel’s dad therefore returned to what happened to him. No new virus, no seasonal diseases either, but precautions to take: “I will clarify because Cyril always says that I have viruses. Suddenly I have the Covid suddenly I have the current one… It turns out that my wife caught the Covid, so I’m a bit of a contact case. I test myself regularly, there I am far from you, there is no risk!

This new possible contamination made Valérie Bénaïm fear the worst. Recently, the columnist had also been forced to stay at home after contracting Covid-19, which she greatly suspected Benjamin Castaldi of having passed on to her: “Once not twice!“, she launched to him, sign in front of his head, when he saw the host coming towards her.

If everything goes well for Benjamin Castaldi, it was time! Since the beginning of the year, curious symptoms have forced the columnist to stay at home. He is even suspected of having passed on the Covid-19 without knowing it to his little comrades on the set at the end of March. Cyril Hanouna had been forced to call on columnists not provided for in the program to fill in the absences of others, struck at the same time by an illness which confined them to bed. Benjamin Castaldi had maintained that he was not carrying the virus at that time. His word against those of others!

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