“It’s really hard for her”: Anne-Sophie Lapix affected, what future for her news?

Star of France 2, Anne-Sophie Lapix was approached to animate the debate preceding the second round of the presidential elections broadcast on the first two channels of the PAF. If she ensured the election evening of April 10, in the face of reassembled political stakeholders, the journalist who will celebrate her 50th birthday on April 29 was rejected by the two presidential candidates for the show between two rounds of April 20. Emmanuel Macron’s entourage is not a fan of the pugnacious interviewer while Marine Le Pen has clearly boycotted her. It is therefore ultimately Léa Salamé who will be in charge, alongside her colleague from TF1 Gilles Bouleau. Telerama has signed a portrait of this media and political professional and wonders in particular about her future.

Chosen to succeed David Pujadas for the presentation of the 8 p.m. television news on France 2 in 2017, Anne-Sophie Lapix is ​​one of the best-known personalities of French television. If the public acclaims it, it is politically in a fragile situation, highlighted with the electoral campaign. Emmanuel Macron said nothing against the journalist but she is not favored by those close to her, according to an article in the World : “The public service does not have a good press in the presidential entourage, where the 8 p.m. newspaper of Anne-Sophie Lapix, in particular, is considered too critical and declinist“Marine Le Pen’s camp is radical. The one who had found her questions about her financial ties with Russia”infamous” in Elysee 2022is considered as too hostile to the far-right candidate. The RN therefore put its veto.

She will be there at the start of the school year, if she wishes of course.

What about his future within France Télé, regardless of the person elected on April 24? “Replacing it would be very badly perceived in terms of independence“, prognosticates a figure of the chain to Teleramastressing that the attacks against Lapix coincide with those launched against public broadcasting – Emmanuel Macron has promised to abolish the license fee, Marine Le Pen to privatize the group“. If some look at the hearings which are settling – 4.9 million viewers on average since September, one million less than TF1, according to Médiamétrie -, and ask the question, Delphine Ernotte, president of the group is categorical: “She does a 20 hours of which I am proud. The question of his departure does not arise. I am lucky to have a freelance journalist, and no one will impose someone on me. She will be there at the start of the school year, if she wishes of course, we haven’t discussed it yet. Criticisms only reinforce it.”

The wife of powerful businessman Arthur Sadoun did not react to the case of the debate between the two towers but relatives confided in Telerama. One of them said: “She does not reveal her intentions. But she is capable of leaving if we break her feet.“If Anne-Sophie Lapix had defended herself from wanting a long career like the late Jean-Pierre Pernaut or Claire Chazal, she is affected by the controversy according to those around her:”It’s really hard for her.” Solid as a rock in front of the camera, the low-key mom of two big boys takes the criticism with her well-known professionalism.

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