For a big event, big guests! For the 15th anniversary of literary prize for La closerie des Lilas, a restaurant in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, the organization called on its emblematic jury and distinguished guests: Laure Adler, Sandrine Collette, Salomé Lelouch, Anne Parillaud, Barbara Pravi or even Laura Smet had made the trip to present their prize to the winner Elena Piacentini, author of the book Les silences d’Ogliano. Sarah Biasini, daughter of Romy Schneider and Daniel Biasini, was also part of the guest jury. The 44-year-old actress had her place there. An avid reader, she is also the author of The beauty of the skya book in which she tells her own story and that of her mother to her granddaughter Anna, born in 2018.
Sarah Biasini was therefore surrounded by Anne Parillaud, Carole Chétiennot, owner of the premises, Frédéric Beigbeder and Laura Smet but not only. Julie Gayet, actress and companion of the former President of the Republic François Hollande, also appeared radiant at the event. All took the opportunity to celebrate and forget about Covid-19, war and the presidential election for a few hours.
In 2018, Sarah Biasini became a first-time mother to a baby girl she named Anna. This long-desired maternity, the actress mentioned it in 2021 in The beauty of the sky. Some time after learning that the grave of her mother Romy Schneider and her brother David had been desecrated, Sarah Biasini learns that she is expecting a baby, even though she is having difficulty getting pregnant. A crazy coincidence that may not ultimately be one for Sarah Biasini: “Able to procreate for more than twenty-five years, without contraception for ten years, two unsuccessful insemination attempts, does it work now?’, she wondered for Illustrated. Was reburying my mother liberating for my body? Although a part of me understood the part of luck in this whole story, another part tried to make sense of it..” A story not so simple…