a 21-year-old man from Mayenne challenges and takes a picture of himself every day for a year

Challenges regularly flourish on social networks, but this one is original to say the least: in Mayenne, a 21-year-old student decided to take a picture of himself every day this year while eating an apple. Maxence Lalande also involves merchants and Mayenne personalities, like the mayor of Mayenne Jean-Pierre le Scornet or the striker of Stade Lavallois, Geoffray Durbant. His challenge is to follow on the social network Instagram, the account is called croquerlavieapleinedentes.

Humor and message around a healthy diet

Croquerlavieapleinedents is an Instagram account where we find a lot of humor necessarily but also a message on healthy eating. Maxence Lalande didn’t eat apples, unlike one of her student friends.A friend from my class who ate apples all the time and I found that quite funny because I didn’t eat a lot of fruit. And so I said to myself hey, in the year 2022, I’m going to eat an apple every day“, he recalls. This 21-year-old Mayennais has therefore decided to challenge himself, with a lot of humor necessarily since the photos where he has an apple in his mouth are laughable. But Maxence Lalande also wants to take advantage of it to send a message about healthier eating.”It is important to eat the 5 fruits and vegetables a day that are recommended“, explains Maxence Lalande.

This challenge remindseat apples“the slogan invented by the Guignols de l’info program for Jacques Chirac’s presidential campaign in 1995. The young Mayennais did not really know the former President of the Republic, but he likes the wink.

I am 21 years old, I did not really know the Jacques Chirac era but I was told about apples and Monsieur Chirac.
Maxence Lalande, the author of the challenge

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The young Mayennais did not really know the former President of the Republic, but he likes the wink. “Me, I am 21 years old, I did not really know the time, Jacques Chirac. But I was told about apples with Mr. Chirac. So me, there is no political intention in what I do. I found it funny that there was the little reference“, smiles Maxence Lalande.

An elected representative from Mayenne agreed to take part in the challenge: the mayor of Mayenne, Jean Pierre le Scornet. Maxence Lalande even managed to have his picture taken with the Laval stadium’s top scorer, Geoffray Durbant.I was very lucky, I went to see a Stade Lavallois game and I ran into him in a hallway with the mascot. When I explained the challenge to him, he was accepted and he even shared it in his story (on Instagram)”, details the 21-year-old student.

Before the end of the year, Maxence Lalande dreams of taking a picture with Kilian Mbappé, the prodigy of the French football team.

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