how many active French people still wear the mask at work?

The pandemic will have had the merit of impacting our daily lives at all levels. But since March 14, it is no longer mandatory to wear your mask at work. However, many of you still have it in your businesses. According to a survey of the Opinionway unveiled for SD worx last April 8th as highlighted France Infoone in two employees (i.e. 45%) would still appear with a mask at work.

Obviously, the over 50s seem to be betting on caution. 51% of them would be attached to this daily protection. Only 42% of the youngest would wear it. For employees, the rate of contamination would be higher within companies. At least that’s what 68% of those questioned on the subject think.

For many (78%), wearing a mask in the workplace is likely to become compulsory in the months to come. Even if either 61% assure that it has never been correctly worn in business. As a reminder, an employer can oblige his employees to wear a mask at work. For its part, the government is much more conciliatory in this area.

Numbers that speak volumes

If your manager feels that there is a risk to the company’s activity, he can act on this obligation. As our colleagues have explained, your boss is responsible for the safety and health of his employees. Thus the employee must comply with the internal regulations recorded by the company. Otherwise, disciplinary sanctions may be taken.

Conversely, if you wish, you can keep your mask even if wearing it is no longer mandatory at work. In this case, you will be protected from all sanctions. According to the figures of this survey, 27% of employees ensure that their employer has asked them to wear their mask despite the lifting of the obligation.


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