“In the workshops, it’s disgust” in front of “this absolutely indecent remuneration”, reacted Cédric Brun, deputy central union representative CGT Stellantis, while Carlos Tavares, executive director of the 4th largest car manufacturer in the world, should receive remuneration of 66 million euros for the year 2021. Some of the shareholders voted against. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, judged the remuneration “excessive”. The Stellantis group resulting from the merger between PSA and Fiat Chrysler justifies it in view of the company’s good results in 2021. “They were very good because you have to know that today there are thousands of jobs being cut on assembly lines, in offices, in workshops”explained the union representative.
>> Stellantis: Carlos Tavares, leader “the best paid in history”, according to the consulting firm Proxinvest
franceinfo: What is your reaction?
Cedric Brown: I do not know what job today at PSA can justify such remuneration. Especially since today, we are talking about 19 million. Except that in total, when we look at variable compensation, the free share plan, long-term compensation, we arrive at 66 million euros, which represents 180,000 euros per day. I can tell you that in the workshops, it’s disgust.
“They are likely to have movements that will take hold everywhere.”
Cédric Brun, CGT Stellantis deputy central union representativeat franceinfo
Some of the shareholders refused this remuneration. Does that reassure you?
It’s purely symbolic because today the group has come under Dutch management, so although there is a vote against, it won’t change anything.
“The government has a part of responsibility in this huge remuneration because it should be known that if today Stellantis was able to make 13 billion in profits, it is mainly thanks to state aid.”
Cedric Brownat franceinfo
During partial unemployment, these aids allowed a company which sold fewer cars than last year to make an absolutely monstrous turnover. There is a fool’s game. This remuneration is absolutely indecent given the salary increases that have been given to the employees. I recall 2.8%, or barely 40 euros per month. The HRD at the time, during these negotiations, told us that we had to know how to be reasonable.
Employees received a bonus of at least 4,000 euros. It’s not sufficient ?
This mainly serves to hide the low wages. Very few employees have obtained it. It’s 4,000 euros gross. Then, you have to withdraw the taxes, it’s because this bonus has been indexed on absences. Personally, I had strikes, I had illnesses, I barely had 3,400 euros. Considering what our American colleagues received, that is to say 14,000 dollars, we are far from the mark. But above all, what is important is not really the bonuses that are random, it is the strong salary increases that we need. We were granted 2.8%. However, inflation is above 4%.
What do you expect from the two presidential candidates?
Absolutely nothing. I saw the different statements from each other. They all more or less agree on this absolutely monstrous remuneration system on the pretext that the company’s results have been very good. But business results have been very good because you have to know that today there are thousands of jobs being cut on assembly lines, in offices, in workshops. All of this has consequences.