Thomas Dutronc: This huge secret that he did well to hide from his parents

A family matter. Music seems to have flowed through the veins of all family members at the Dutroncs. Jacques Dutronc and Françoise Hardy saw their son Thomas Dutronc stung by the same passion. And yet, the 48-year-old singer first decided to hide his desire to get into music from his parents. This is what his father, with whom he has just started the tour Dutronc & Dutronc revealed in the columns of Paris Matchon newsstands Wednesday, April 13.

If he knew that his son Thomas played the guitar, Jacques Dutronc did not suspect that he was singing. “What amazed me is that he sings and releases a recordhe says. That, on the other hand, he had hidden from me. I can still see Vincent, his manager, coming to tell me: ‘Thomas’ thing works and he sings really well too.’ There, I opened my eyes wide: ‘Oh, he sings?’ I did not know…“But the sidekick of Johnny Hallyday and Eddy Mitchell says he understands why his son hid such a secret from them.

“She would have demoralized me”

But maybe he did well not to show his mom that before because it would have been…“, loose Jacques Dutronc to our colleagues. Obviously, Françoise Hardy would not necessarily have reacted well to this news. And Thomas Dutronc seems to be going in the same direction as his father. “It’s sure, she would have demoralized me“, he adds. Fortunately, once the disc was released, the mother of Thomas Dutronc could not miss the talent of the latter. “Yes, she liked my first recordassures the singer. It was on the second that she didn’t really like a title that became a single.”

As for the Dutronc & Dutronc tour, father and son preferred to hide it from Françoise Hardy. “Above all, there must be no indiscretions about what is going on because she will more easily say ‘it’s not going’ than ‘it’s going’“, assures Jacques Dutronc. When his son nevertheless specifies that his mother loved their performance at the Victoires de la Musique.

A complicated relationship

Divergent opinions that have never prevented Thomas Dutronc and his mother from having a very close relationship. If the relationship between Thomas Dutronc and his father Jacques Dutronc has not always been simple, it was easier with the singer, to whom he is very close. About his relationship with his father, Thomas Dutronc confided last February, on the set of Passage des arts (France 2). “We never spokehe said. We didn’t talk about feelings. We did little together, but we lived side by side, we communicated a lot through unsaid words and silences..”

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