The cast of the film The winners had made an appointment this Monday, April 11 at the Grand Rex to attend the preview of the comedy signed by the comedian A-Z and Laurent Junca. It was around 8 p.m. that the actors appeared on the photo call inside the mythical Parisian hall of the Grand Rex. The opportunity to discover the stars in evening dress for the first time before the screening of the long-awaited feature film.
As well Gloria Colston, Samuel Debure, Adèle Galloy, AZ, Aurélie Konaté, David Vigroux, Yvan Naubron, Titoff, Matthias Quiviger a.k.a Ragnar LeBreton and finally the former rapper JoeyStarr, appeared in a casual look, presented themselves in front of the lens of the photographers. The comedian Ines Reg or the general manager of the Paris-Saint-Germain football club Jean-Claude Blanc were also seen on the photo call.
In the room of the Grand Rex located in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, it is on the music of Jump by Van Halen, like the players’ entrance to the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille (where the film was shot) that the troupe of actors appeared, called one by one by the director AZ. The comedian uses his touch of humor to present his partners in the film in a good mood. The opportunity for the latter to mention the absence of one of the headliners, that of Alban Ivanov, who felt unwell on stage during the passage of his tour in Dunkirk on the evening of 9 april.
The winners is a comedy starring JoeyStarr as Tom Leroy, a successful comedian who falls victim to a powerful bad buzz when streaming a private video. Determined to go up the slope and restore his image, he organizes under the advice of his agents a contest with his fans: two of them will be drawn by lot to spend holidays in his huge villa in the south of France. Problem, the lucky winners (played by Alban Ivanov and AZ) are real balls. While cohabitation is difficult, Tom will relearn values of humanity in contact with his two new partners.
The winners in theaters on April 13, 2022 throughout France.