the proposals of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron on Europe


Article written by

V.Astruc, N.Leydier, A.Bouville, S.Fel S.Fouquet, B.Rovira, A.Tranchant – France 2

France Televisions

Tuesday, April 12, the comparator of 20 Hours presents the proposals on Europe of the two qualified candidates in the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen the Euro-skeptic, Emmanuel Macron the Europhile: Europe is a point of contention between the two presidential candidates. Marine Le Pen (RN) no longer wishes to leave Europe or abandon the euro, but wishes to restore the primacy of French law over European law. This initiative has already been taken by Poland, which has been sanctioned by the European Commission. The RN candidate also wants to reduce France’s contribution to the European budget by 5 billion euros.

For his part, Emmanuel Macron wants a united and strong Europe. To fight against illegal immigration, he wants to reform the Schengen area, where Marine Le Pen wants to restore border control. Both want France to be less dependent on the European market for the price of electricity. Finally, the RN candidate does not want a Europe of defense, a project carried out by Emmanuel Macron.

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