Emmanuel Macron arrested by caregivers in Alsace on the “lack of means” at the hospital



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Emmanuel Macron defended his record, ensuring that the Ségur de la santé, two years ago, had allowed wage increases between “183 and 400 euros per month” for caregivers.

A tense exchange. “We are in pain (…), the people are in pain”launched a 61-year-old caregiver to Emmanuel Macron, who came to meet hospital staff in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), Tuesday, April 12. “Give the means to the hospital (…), I knew a hospital at the top! (…) We were taken away from the means”he launched to the president-candidate. “I have 1 776 euros” salary after “30 years of establishment”also apologized to the latter, apologizing for being “emotional”.

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He was supported by a colleague calling for improving the “terms of work” nursing staff. The beds are closing, the outdoor beds are closing!”she criticized the LREM candidate.

Faced with the latter, Emmanuel Macron defended his record, ensuring that the Ségur de la santé, which was held almost two years ago, had allowed wage increases between “183 and 400 euros per month” and retorts having given resources to the hospital: “We reinvested in the hospital as the nation had never reinvested.”

“The subject is not to open beds if you don’t have people to work with”also replied the president-candidate, assuring that after a “first stage” in wage increases, he counted “reorganize” the care system “in the same territory” for “avoid having emergencies under pressure”.

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