Presidential 2022: Nicolas Sarkozy will vote Emmanuel Macron and explains why

By choosing to vote for the figure of the Republic on the move, Nicolas Sarkozy wishes to place himself above partisan struggles and act with “clarity and consistency“: “The international context and the financial situation are serious and will impose difficult and urgent decisions. They will require choices that will commit France for the next five years. Loyalty to the values ​​of the Republican right and to our culture of government must lead us to respond to Emmanuel Macron’s call for a rally in view of the presidential election.

This Sunday, April 10, Nicolas Sarkozy went “in his polling station in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, early in the morning, then spent the day and the evening at his house, villa Montmorency, watching the result of the ballot in front of his television“, wrote The Parisian. According to information from the daily, he did not send the slightest message of comfort to Valérie Pécresse, she who recorded the worst score for the right in a major election: 4.79%, a figure below the 5% mark. cannot reimburse his campaign.

During Valérie Pécresse’s electoral adventure, Nicolas Sarkozy was not kind to his former minister: “She has no ideas. So much so that she tries to take mine… but without ever quoting me“, he was annoyed off according to The Parisian in front of a visitor. His meeting at the Zénith de Paris only reinforced the opinion of the husband of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. Conversely, the closeness with President Macron has always been evident, despite disagreements during the health crisis. The Sarkozy couple is also on very good terms with the first lady Brigitte Macron. To see if this declaration is extended by an alliance within the framework of the legislative elections, as indicated The Parisian, at a time when the LR party literally collapsed.

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