We couldn’t miss it. Valérie Pécresse looking for five million euros

This Tuesday morning, on D+2 of the first round of the presidential election, more than ever, these words from Françoise Hardy resonate in our heads.

Let’s not “shoot at the ambulance”: and especially not that of people who won less than 5% in the first round of the presidential election, like Valérie Pécresse for example. Because that would be too easy. And ease is not the editorial line of this column. So we are still trying to raise the level of the debate.

For example, we will not make sound montages this morning, associating his speech “I will be the good surprise of the second round“to his appeal for donations on Monday morning facing the camera, because LR will therefore not see his electoral campaign fully reimbursed after having made, therefore, less than 5%. No, frankly, it does not bring anything. Just like passing Enrico Macias, right after the call for donations No, not my type.

On the other hand, Roger Karoutchi, senator LR, makes fun of this situation a little. When told there will be no refund, he replies that he has “took coins for my coffee“.

Another reaction of support: that of Jérôme Kerviel. The former Société Générale broker is in total solidarity with Valérie Pécresse, as he writes on Twitter.

That was for the right, so let’s go to the left. With Anne Hidalgo, for example, who makes less than 2%. Well, the reaction that touched me the most was perhaps that of Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, former first secretary of the party, who decided to express his pain by writing a few words, and remixing Paul Verlaine on the way.

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