Britney Spears announces she’s pregnant

(Los Angeles) Five months after being freed by justice from the guardianship exercised by her father because of his psychological disorders, American pop superstar Britney Spears, 40, announced on Monday that she was pregnant with her son. third child.

Posted at 6:04 p.m.
Updated at 7:23 p.m.

France Media Agency

“I took a pregnancy test… Uh well… I’m expecting a baby”, wrote on Instagram the singer revealed as a teenager by several planetary successes, including …Baby One More Timein 1998.

Soon a new baby after the American justice in Los Angeles decided on November 12 to give him control over his personal life by ending this guardianship exercised mainly by his father Jamie Spears.

A measure taken in 2008 due to psychological disorders and which the star has described as “abusive” in recent months.

” Traumatized ”

Britney Spears had struck a chord by telling the Los Angeles court in June that she was “traumatized” by this guardianship which prevented her from having her IUD removed, when she wanted to have other children.

Monday, on Instagram – preferred communication channel since 2008 – she evokes under a photo of a cup and pink carnations her past pregnancies and the fact of having already fallen into “perinatal depression”.

“I have to say it’s absolutely awful […]. Women didn’t talk about it back then […]some considering it dangerous for a woman to complain about this while carrying a baby,” the singer wrote.

Britney Spears, who turned 40 on December 2, is the mother of two boys, now teenagers, of whom her ex-husband Kevin Federline has obtained primary custody.

On Instagram, she even mentions the possibility of being pregnant with twins and calls her fiancé Sam Asghari – 28-year-old sports coach met in 2016 on the set of a clip – “my husband”.

$60 million

His fortune is estimated at some 60 million dollars and his admirers are waiting for a new album and concerts. His last album, Glorydates back to 2016 and performed 250 shows at her home in Las Vegas between 2013 and 2017 before putting her career on hiatus in 2019.

In the early 2000s, experts point out, many young women who quickly became world stars did not always feel protected from the psychological pressure exerted by the tabloid press.

Britney Spears’ turmoil and fragility came to light after her 2006 divorce: a TV presenter at the time made her cry live by mocking her for motherhood while she was pregnant with her second son .

Then in 2007, chased by paparazzi, she was found wandering in the car in a gas station, driving barefoot with her child on her knees.

Paternal guardianship was imposed on him in February 2008.

Released and again pregnant, Britney Spears gave no date for the birth or for her marriage. Questioned in December by the media TMZ on the plans of the couple, the future husband and father Sam Asghari had answered: “Make a baby. Make lots of babies. »

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