[Opinion] The West is fueling the destruction of Ukraine

The more the days go by, the more the West stubbornly refuses to intervene militarily, while decrying the war crimes and the inhuman destruction which continue to intensify and which the Ukrainian people alone suffer.

So what is the West looking for? Avoid a world war, regardless of the consequences for the Ukrainian people. Everything suggests that the West has adopted the old adage “the end justifies the means” and, in doing so, it is gradually losing its humanity in favor of a lame rationality. Is this what we are witnessing? If this is his approach, it is clear that it is not really different from that of Putin’s Russia.

The West avoids direct confrontation, thus preventing a world war, while arming Ukraine and weakening Putin’s Russia economically, which appears to be its true objective, no matter the costs for Ukraine. As for Putin’s Russia, it wants to dispossess Ukraine of its sovereignty with all the military means at its disposal, regardless of the costs on the Ukrainian people.

According to this logic, Ukraine will be gradually annihilated, along with a good part of its population, and will end up, rather late, under the yoke of Putin. Without direct military intervention from the West, nothing will stop Putin in his quest to subjugate Ukraine. He needs total surrender, nothing else will satisfy him, as the negotiations that go nowhere clearly demonstrate. Ukraine’s unexpected and prolonged resistance once again casts doubt on the use of nuclear weapons, possibly tactically.

How will the West react to this type of attack? Depending on its use, there will be radioactive repercussions, which, as during the Chernobyl accident, will endanger the States bordering Ukraine and will undoubtedly have to be considered as an attack on the sovereignty of the member countries of the NATO? And let’s face it, if Putin resorts to such weapons of mass destruction, the West will have been instrumental in their recourse, allowing Ukraine to resist militarily.

And what about Western humanity, what message does it send to the rest of the world? Wasn’t the West the instigator, under Canada’s leadership, of the adoption by the United Nations of the responsibility to protect civilian populations, among other things, during genocide and war crimes? Where are its great defenders, and why are our governments silent about it? Today, this need to protect has never been so glaring at our doors, but an inhuman rationality is leading Ukraine towards an inexorable end.

And for those who still believe that Putin, humiliated and weakened on the international scene, will stop short of Ukraine’s total submission, I must side with the opinion of President Zelensky, who regularly repeats that Ukraine will not submit to Russian demands and it is only a matter of time before a world war begins.

The meeting of NATO heads of state last month failed to acknowledge the magnitude of the consequences of NATO’s role in this war. His actions only delay the inevitable that only Ukraine pays with its blood today. What about Boutcha, what solidarity! What do the West and NATO plan to do collectively? Increase the protection of its members and the sanctions against Russia, as well as the establishment of international investigations into the crimes committed, while committing to intensify the delivery of weapons. Humanly, what will it take for NATO to intervene in this human tragedy? When will she issue an ultimatum to Putin’s Russia?

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