Les Bleues win a third consecutive victory in the Six Nations Tournament

They were expected and they did not disappoint. The offensive bonus in the pocket just before the break gave a first glimpse of the performance of the Blue, Sunday, April 10. The XV of France has almost perfectly mastered its subject to dominate the Scottish players (28-8) and leave its first trip to the Six Nations Tournament with a new victory. After a rough match, but victorious against Italy in the opening, then a more solid success against Ireland, the Blues offered a first half of high flight in Scotland before stalling. Enough, to chain a third success in as many matches.

The contribution of Jessy Trémoulière, back by profession replaced at the opening for the occasion, was particularly valuable. Thanks to this faultless, the XV of France can still dream of a Grand Slam that has not been achieved since 2018. Next step, Wales, April 22.

If the score can suggest a walk in the park and an ultra French domination, the Blues especially marked this match by their pragmatism and a defense almost always as airtight in the first period. Les Tricolores left the initiative of the game to the Scots (38% possession for the XV of France at the break), controlling waves after waves being more penalized than usual, but without much impact on the scoreboard.

“We absolutely have to put our heads back in placenevertheless warned the captain of the Blue, Gaëlle Hermet at the end of the match. We took too many penalties in this game. It’s good to win, that’s what was needed, but it will be difficult in Wales, yet another thing against England. We will have to be more precise in the brand areas.”

Because if the XV of Chardon could only be satisfied with three points scored on penalty at the break (28-3, 40th) and that the Blue ones concretized the least of their opportunities, the XV of France remained fanny in second period .. unlike the Scots who scored their only try of the match by the back Chloé Rollie (69th).

Among the satisfactions, two French women particularly stood out. Associated for the first time with the hinge in the Tournament, Laure Sansus and Jessy Trémoulière (crowned player of the match) regaled. At the scrum, the first confirmed her rise to power in this team by planting, among other things, the first try of the match thanks to a kicking game to follow for herself (9th, 7-0). For her part, the best player in the world in 2018, who we have rarely seen play in this position of opening half, applied herself to sending the Scots home with 50/22, to increase the score facing the posts (100%), but also going there from his try thanks to a well-felt fake pass (28th).

Les Bleues have ten days to prepare for their next match against Wales. They will have no room for error if they want to afford a final against England, in Bayonne on April 30.

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