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Saturday April 9, one week from Easter, the Ferrero group continues to recall many products Kinderfollowing several cases of salmonellosis.
Since Friday April 8, the group Kinder reminds more and more of chocolates, and this, whatever their expiry dates, after a suspicion of salmonella. One week from Easter, consumers are worried. “I buy some, but there, I will refer to something else for Easter“says a woman. The factory in Belgium in which the chocolates Kinder have been manufactured is closed. The Belgian health authorities have withdrawn Ferrero’s production authorization.
The Ferrero group sells its chocolates in 45 countries and achieves 10% of its turnover at Easter. However, the group should recover from this scandal. “The incriminated factory in Belgium is simply 7% of its production and Ferrero is several brands, it’s not just Kinder“, explains Yves Puget, editorial director of LSA who believes that the French will forget this food crisis.