subjected to a new confinement, the inhabitants of Shanghai are exhausted



Article written by

A. Miguet, G. Caron, K. Wang, C. Wang – franceinfo

France Televisions

As the Omicron variant continues to spread, discontent is mounting in Shanghai. The population, stuck at home for a month, complains of no longer being able to work or eat properly.

Shanghai is a ghost town, shut down on Friday April 8. Residents are locked up in their homes, some for a month. Anger and exasperation rise. “We want to work, we want to be freed”, chants in a video of the inhabitants in the street. These videos circulate on social networks, but are quickly censored. A woman only asks for food, because she “don’t want to starve”.

In another district, residents were allowed to go out for a few minutes to buy basic necessities. The only possible outings are to get tested. Since March, there have been more than 130,000 cases of Covid-19 in the city. The authorities are overwhelmed, which leads to dramatic situations. In one video, a woman screams for help as someone with asthma is dying. Unsupported, she dies a few minutes later.

Any contact case must be isolated for a minimum of 15 days followed by three tests in order to be able to leave. A Frenchman films the quarantine center in which he is. The conditions are rudimentary, there are no showers.

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