Challenge Game for the aperitif with Elise de Cartes sur Table in Auxerre

A simple and fast game, in which you have to find associations of words without using terms that have one of the letters present in the center of the table.

I just said the word “Mexico” and on the table three lawyers propose the letters “V, Y, K and D”. Find as quickly as possible a word related to mine that does not contain any of the visible letters…

Ole Guacamole

Course of a game:

1. The first player reveals the top card of the deck.

2. He has 12 seconds to pronounce a word that does not contain the visible letter(s)

3. If he speaks a word containing one of the visible letters, he instantly fails

4. The next player adds a new card next to the first from the deck.

5. He must pronounce a word containing none of the visible letters and which presents a “link” with the word pronounced by the previous player.

6. It is forbidden to pronounce a word already used in this game or another played the same day! In case of repetition, consider it a failure.

7. If the active player says a word containing a forbidden letter or if he does not find any word in 12 seconds, all the others exclaim “GUACAMOLÉ!”.

8. He places all the cards in play in front of him (face down). He reveals a new card from the deck and the game restarts.

The game ends when a player plays the last card from the deck. If he answers correctly, he distributes the cards in play evenly among the other players. The player with the fewest cards wins.

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