Hydrocarbons | Student coalition calls on Ottawa to stop exports

(Quebec) The student movement is undertaking a new battle: it wants to put a stop to hydrocarbon exports from Canada.

Posted at 10:43 a.m.

Patrice Bergeron
The Canadian Press

A coalition that had already actively campaigned against the LNG-Quebec gas terminal project in Saguenay now wants to put pressure on federal elected officials.

Student associations brandish the UN report published this week which warns that the States of the world have three years to cap their emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), otherwise the average rise in temperatures on the planet cannot be limited to 1.5 degrees and more and more extreme weather events will follow.

Grouped together in the Student Climate Action Front (FÉDAC), the associations representing 330,000 students are therefore demanding that Canada put an end to its gas and oil exports.

In an interview with The Canadian Press, a representative of the coalition, Simon Guiroy, recalled that in 2019, Canada emitted 730 megatons of GHGs, but exported 954 megatons of hydrocarbons which increase emissions everywhere on the planet.

Canada is primarily a fossil fuel exporting country, so its real contribution to the climate crisis lies in its exports, according to the spokesperson.

In his view, the federal government must therefore also include in its GHG report the emissions that it contributes to generating elsewhere.

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