“A decision that escapes us …”: The future of Plus belle la vie worries an emblematic actress

What future for More beautiful life ? For almost two months already, there has been uncertainty around the popular series of France 3. Our colleagues from Figaro argued in February that the production had decided to end the adventures of the Mistral characters. An announcement which had the effect of a shock and, therefore, which was quickly somewhat denied. In fact, the teams More beautiful life came out of the silence to calm the ardor, explaining that nothing had yet been decided. But that will not have been enough and fans are increasingly expressing their regrets at the idea of ​​no longer following the series. Just like the actors.

Laurent Kerusoré would have notably burst into tears when he learned of the potential stoppage of More beautiful life and Sophie de la Rochefoucauld recently shouted her anger very publicly, during a meeting of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate for the next presidential election that she supports. Passing through the Canneseries International Series Festival, it is Anne Decis who this time decided to react, with Leisure TVs. The one who embodies Luna Torres since the launch of the series, eighteen years ago, is sorry to be totally helpless in this situation. “We actors are also, like the public, waiting for the decision, so we have no means of action, of being able to do so. We really live like a family, we belong to something very strong so we are suspended on a decision that escapes us“, she said.

Anne Decis can therefore only resolve to remain in expectation. “Then we’ll see: if it continues, fine, if it stops, it’ll be like that, we’ll continue our job so we don’t really have much to say about it. We don’t really know if it will stop, there are lots of rumors circulating so for the moment we can’t really comment, we don’t knowthese are only speculations so as long as the decision is not official, it is complicated to really express oneself on it“, she continued cautiously.

Also present at Canneséries, Serge Ladron de Guevara, one of the producers of More beautiful lifewho confided to wait “a decision in the coming days“.

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