Side Flavors steam cooking with chef Karine Lépine

The Chef of the famous Madame restaurant in Nancy explains how to make colourful, tasty and full of energy dishes thanks to steam cooking, the steam oven or the steam cooker. For example the ballottine of poultry and its grilled potatoes. You will need for 4 people: For the ballottine: 4 boneless chicken thighs (ask your butcher) salt, pepper, possible spices according to your taste, for the potatoes 2 large firm potatoes, a tbsp . tablespoons neutral oil

To make the recipe: spread the 4 boneless chicken thighs on 4 sheets of cling film, season them according to your taste with salt, pepper and spices, roll them into tight logs and place them in the steam cooker or in the steam oven for 30 minutes at 75 degrees then remove the wrappers from the plastic wrap, and pass them for a few minutes on each side in a previously oiled pan to brown them to your liking. ,

Peel the potatoes and grate them, make 4 small doormats with the grated potatoes, which you will place in the very hot pan with a spoon. tablespoons of neutral oil, to cook them on each side for 10 minutes.

Serve by cutting the ballottines into two or 3 portions each, and adding the grilled pdt, possibly accompanied by the sauce of your choice. Good tasting !

A simple and quick idea suggested by chef Karine Lépine of the Madame restaurant in Nancy

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