for Guillaume Martinaud, president of the Orpi network, “the price correction will be welcome”

The rise in housing prices continues: +6% in the first quarter, according to the Orpi network, which has more than 1,300 agencies in France. But still according to the cooperative group, transactions are down sharply compared to 2021 (-17%) and buyers again have margins to negotiate. Eco guest of franceinfo on Wednesday April 6, Guillaume Martinaud, the president of the network, believes that “the price correction will be welcome“: “It is desirable. You need a balance. The market shouldn’t seize up“.

Behind the average increase, the situations are very different from one city to another. According to Orpi, if prices in Bordeaux (+10%), Lille (+10%), Grenoble (+17%) or Nantes (+22%), are still rising, they are falling in Paris (-4 %). Rising fuel prices also have an impact:

“When you live seven kilometers from the bakery, or if the children have to go to school a little further, it becomes an issue.”

Guillaume Martinaud, president of the Orpi network

on franceinfo

The market is therefore evolving, and the slow rise in rates is contributing to this: “Our customers who have only experienced low rates believe that this rise in rates can block them“, observes the leader. Especially since the borrowing criteria have tightened: “For the middle classes or first-time buyers, it blocks“, he also notes.

According to Guillaume Martinaud, “we are not putting everyone on the side of the road, but inevitably there will be an impact“: “If everyone understands that we have to be reasonable, we will be able to maintain the activity“.

Watch the full interview:

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