UBB: story of a relocated training

Attracting more young people to clubs on the outskirts…

After Floirac and Mérignac in particular, the men of Christophe Urios therefore trained on the grounds of CA Lormont Hauts de Garonne. At least 600 people were present to attend the work of the Bordelo-Béglais for the greatest pleasure of the President of Lormont Michel Garmendia

It was great, it’s an excellent initiative from the UBB and its president Laurent Marti, from Christophe Urios. It was relayed by the municipality too and in the schools that played the game, there were still 5 or 6 school buses that came. The players very close to the kids at the end, very available. Chairman Marti told me he wanted outlying clubs to fill rugby schools. And indeed, after in its workforce, the UBB will take the best, which is normal – Michel Garmendia

…to find future UBB professionals

For Arnaud Carré, who follows the UBB for France Bleu Gironde, these relocated training sessions respond to a strategy thought out by the president and the manager of the Union. A club is above all a territory, especially if this club is that of a metropolis and its workforce includes 11 different nationalities.

It is a will of Laurent Marti. It is also a clear will and it was among the first words of Christophe Urios when he arrived talking about club and talking about territory: the UBB is not something that is placed in the middle of nowhere . The UBB, it will grow, it will grow rich with all the population and in particular all these kids. And we see it with the training, with the young people who enter the first team. These are kids who learned in Lormont, Langon, Libourne, Saint-Médard and that is what should, in the long term, provide a real breeding ground for the professional team – Arnaud Carré

A public that knows little or nothing about rugby

And one can also imagine that these operations contribute to the excellent rate of occupancy of Chaban by the Union because very often, relocated training reinforces the popularity of the club, its players and attracts an audience who knows little or nothing rugby. This is the feeling of Sydney Djiropo of the mixed visions association who followed the entire Béglaise sector up to the Espoirs category.

there is still a lot of emulation because of the proximity with the players. In Libourne or Saint-Médard who have benefited from relocated training, and I know that there have been positive effects, particularly among young people who did not necessarily have the opportunity to go and see rugby, who do not were not necessarily a rugby audience. I think it’s really great – Sydney Djiropo

Successful seduction operation therefore this Tuesday in Lormont, Lormont which is waiting to know if it will welcome the Spanish delegation during the 2023 Rugby World Cup, the city on the right bank still being in competition with Saint-Medard-En-Jalles.

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