Jean-Jacques Bourdin supports the strong decision of his wife Anne Nivat

Winner of the Albert Londres Prize in 2000 for her book Dog of war: a female reporter in Chechnya, Anne Nivat (52) has had journalism in her blood since her doctorate in political science in Paris, which she obtained more than twenty-five years ago. After having been a correspondent in 1998 in Moscow for Releaseshe was from 2004 special correspondent for Point and collaborated with the International Herald Tribunewater New York Times and at washington post. We could see her recently on television on the set ofWe are live April 2, 2022 on France 2 as a political speaker.

With Jean-Jacques Bourdin, the love story began with love at first sight in 2004, they had a son, Louis, two years later. When promoting his book France opposite last February, Anne Nivat was the subject of an article by Release highlighting the fusional but also toxic nature of their relationship. About the scandal that tarnished the reputation of her husband, she had defended the “wonderful career as a journalist“de Bourdin, booed on”media court“, but found the #MeToo movement”wonderful and necessary“.

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