One of the sons of former world football star Didier Drogba is missing…

This is the case that shakes the football planet. Isaac Drogba has been missing for several weeks already. Indeed, it would now be three months since the Portuguese club Académica de Coimbra had no news of the eldest son of Didier Drogba, legendary scorer passed by Chelsea, Galatasaray but also Olympique de Marseille in Ligue 1.

“He stayed with us for a short time”explained the U23 coach of the Academy to the Portuguese media ZeroZeroMiguel Carvalho regarding the 21-year-old striker. “At some point, in January I think, he came to see me and told me that he had school exams in France, where he registered. We agreed on a return date and he never came back. As we speak, we haven’t heard from him.”

In shared accommodation with some of his teammates, including Matheus Palmério, in a house in the city center, the footballer even left some belongings. “Isaac lived with us for a few months, we welcomed him, he told us he was going to spend a weekend with his family in France and he didn’t come back. Honestly, I don’t even know s ‘he will be back”said his Lusitanian roommate, central defender of the U23.

Isaac Drogba is described as “a likeable striker. Quick and good technically. He needed time to grow, like everyone who comes from another panorama”. “He didn’t have any, he left and we don’t know if he will come back. It’s a shame that he rested a little on his achievements, because the quality was there. I discovered a charming boy. The difference is that he didn’t have to work to earn money at a higher level. However, in general, it is those who really want it who succeed.

see also: Football: Paul Pogba presents his son for the first time


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