tensions on the network destined to continue




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Thanks to small daily gestures, the dreaded electricity peak due to the cold snap on Monday April 4 did not occur. And the cuts could be avoided.

Turn off the heater or the light. Turn on your computer less at work. Or, reduce the speed of metro escalators, as in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). Companies and individuals played the game of small gestures to reduce electricity consumption. “I turned on my computer a little later than usual“, explains Jenifer Pourney. Eco-gestures and a result: lower consumption, -800 MW. This is as much as the consumption of a city like Montpellier.

The peak feared by RTE has therefore been avoided. France still had to import nearly 10% of its electricity production this morning. While mobilizing all of its means of production, during the peak of consumption at 8:45 a.m., half of the electricity came from nuclear power, 24% from hydropower, 12% from gas and 7% from wind power. And these tensions could recur in the future, while nuclear production has never been so low in France.

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