New this summer in Quebec’s national parks

The Society of Outdoor Establishments of Quebec (SEPAQ) has stocked up on new things for outdoor enthusiasts this summer. Starting with more than 800 km of navigable routes in La Vérendrye wildlife reserve, which, combined with some 500 campsites, will make this destination the ideal place for canoe-camping during the summer season.

Posted at 3:59 p.m.

Laila Maalouf

Laila Maalouf
The Press

In all, 18 canoeing circuits in lakes and rivers will be accessible to enthusiasts of different levels, both for 2-day getaways and for expeditions of more than 10 days.

In Charlevoix, in the Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie national park, the Équerre sector has been given a brand new four-bedroom pavilion, all intended for a fishing trip or a well deserved stop after taking one of the two new hiking trails.

Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon will also allow camping in Lac Saint-Jean this summer. Rustic campsites have been set up on three small islands in the new Camp-de-Touage-Les-îles sector — the islands of Connelly, Beemer and Petite Île Verte —, with pit toilets, a picnic table and a fire pit on small sandy beaches.

This year, it will also be possible to enjoy the dizzying view from the rocky escarpment at the end of the Pic-de-la-Tête-de-Chien trail in Parc national des Monts-Valin, in Saguenay–Lac-Saint -Jean, thanks to the development of a brand new 350-metre promenade and a wooden belvedere that allow you to “fly over” this fragile natural environment. Picnic tables and a shelter have even been added to appreciate this place which culminates at 575 meters.

The Aquarium du Québec has also enhanced its offer with a new experience, the ImMERsion adventure, an animation that offers a virtual dive under water, particularly in the heart of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.

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