Les Anges: An ex-candidate pregnant for the 3rd time after 9 miscarriages

If Anaïs Sanson is so upset it is because she encountered many difficulties before becoming pregnant with her third child. She was unfortunately the victim of repeated miscarriages, nine more precisely, the last of which dates back to November 2021.

Anaïs Sanson then made the decision to turn to PMA (assisted reproduction). “We decided to get help. We did a lot of exams, Carlos did a spermogram, I had a fallopian tube x-ray, lots of blood tests… We had to put all that together, make a file and go to the gynecologist specializing in infertility so that she can help us. But I got pregnant a few weeks before I had my appointment. December 25th“, she confided to Jeremstar in his show broadcast on YouTube, titled baby story.

A happy event for which Anaïs had a hard time rejoicing. “When I’m pregnant, I’m not happy, I don’t have a smile or the joy of living. I have nightmares about it, all I think about is the miscarriage all the time… I lived through hell for the first three months. It was three months of stress, fear, fear of going to pee, of bleeding again… Every day was a victory but it was unbearable“, she explained in tears.

To make matters worse, at the start of Anaïs’ pregnancy, her gynecologist told her that she had placental abruption which could put her baby’s life in danger. So she took treatment. “I had progesterone to put in my vagina morning and evening, Carlos had to give me injections every night in my stomach. In addition to that, I am also followed by a hematologist who takes care that my red blood cells do not attack the baby. I must be monitored throughout my pregnancy“, she said. And to conclude: “Today I’m happy after everything I’ve been through but it’s not a life“.

Anaïs Sanson must hold out for a few more months, until her term is expected next September.

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