A smoothly aborted rave party in Chaillac this weekend

“It’s a well-oiled organization, two days before one of our advisers who is a farmer passed through the area and saw nothing”. The mayor of Chaillac (Indre), Mathieu Moreaux, is almost impressed. This weekend, around fifty people attempted to have a rave party on a private field and woods. But the project was aborted on Saturday, with the help of the gendarmerie.

Teuffeurs from the Bordeaux region

It is municipal councilors who see several cars heading towards the area on Saturday April 2 at the end of the morning. Intrigued by so many passages, they warn Mayor Mathieu Moreaux. On the spot, the elected officials discover thatabout fifty people are installed since the night before
The field, intended to make hay, was trampled on, and the wooden fence cut. The fifty or so partygoers brought everything you needed: sound system, generator, lights… Enough to organize a real free party. All are from the Bordeaux region, and have come together to organize this celebration in tribute to one of their deceased friends. It is one of the members of the group who remembered the commune to have come there younger.
Immediately, the mayor contacted the gendarmes and the prefecture services: the main roads were blocked to prevent other partygoers from arriving, and an order was issued to seize the equipment. Without altercation, the gendarmes convince the revelers to leave.

A future CCTV system

According to the mayor, this is the first time that an attempt at a rave party has taken place in the town. But the elected official says he is confident in the idea of ​​setting up video surveillance in the town. “They had put tape on the license plates so that the gendarmes did not pick them up: but when they arrived in the village they were surely still visible. With cameras, we could have spotted them” explains Mathieu Moreaux. Already started, the project should see the light of day by the summer.
The owners of the field and the wood, meanwhile, should file a complaint on Monday.

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