“The right was denying itself, and all of a sudden, we have a little guy coming …”

After the broadcast of an investigation on Eric Zemmour, the polemicist who disrupts the presidential pre-campaign, Tristan Waleckx receives a figure of a certain right, Catholic and conservative. Now retired from political life, Christine Boutin is honorary president of VIA, la Voie du peuple. Will she vote for Eric Zemmour if, as is likely, he shows up?

What vision for France?

Whatever happens, whether the movement around the polemicist grows or “burst like a bubble“, she said to herself anyway”grateful“towards him, because”the campaign will not be the same tomorrow as if Eric Zemmour had not been there. Because he released things that will necessarily be in the debate“.

Christine Boutin has not yet decided on her choice, she assures, but “no one [l’]enthusiasm really“. Because beyond the program, she thinks that”the question is that of vision“. According to her, “what Eric Zemmour tells us is that he wants France to stand up, to regain its identity, and to be proud to be France.

A providential man?

Me, I was on the right, I am still on the right, but the right did not assume its values“, deplores the guest of” Further investigation “. And to confide:”I suffered enormously, because the right was denying itself, the right was no longer itself. And all of a sudden, we have a little guy come up and say, ‘This is what the right is.’ So, there are things which are too radical, of course, and which personally disturb me … But today, are we, unfortunately, and I think we are all responsible, in the nuance? Does the situation justify the nuance? I’m wondering.

Extract from an interview to see in full in “Further investigation” on November 4, 2021.

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