“I will withdraw the Football World Cup from Qatar”, assures Jean Lassalle, presidential candidate



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The candidate of the Resist movement! criticizes the air conditioning of the stadiums planned by Qatar. He intends to restore the research budget to “find the new renewable energy as quickly as possible”.

“As soon as I am elected president, I will immediately withdraw [l’organisation de] the FIFA World Cup in Qatar to offer it to Germany or England“, advances Sunday, April 3 on franceinfo the presidential candidate of the movement Resist! Jean Lassalle. “It’s dangerous for the planet. They have fun air-conditioning stadiums.”

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However, the organization of the competition does not fall within the remit of the President of the French Republic.

“Believe me, if I am elected, if this miracle happens, I will take control of a number of issues!”

John Lassalle

at franceinfo

Asked about his measures for ecology, in particular in favor of short circuits and rurality, he believes that he has “enough competitors who speak with talent” biodiversity and climate change. “No need for me to add my voice to those who already fill us with stress and scare us.”

Jean Lassalle nevertheless defends his ideas for energy: “My primary objective is to increase the research budget to its level of the 1970s, between 4 and 5% of the State budget, to find the new renewable energy as quickly as possible. I am thinking above all of the sun and the energy of the sea.

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