Internet users furious with the young dad

The new season of “The Voice” continues. This Saturday, April 2, 2022, was held the first evening of the famous “battles” on TF1. Once again, Vianney acted up and his behavior was strongly commented on on social networks. To begin with, the young dad made a mistake in choosing a retained talent to continue the adventure: “I’m bothered. Really, I screwed up. Here is… In fact, they weren’t in the same position on stage and on the record.” he explained to Nyr and Axel who then no longer knew who had won the battle.

Later in the evening, the singer decided to oppose Louise and Paloma, two of his talents, on the title “Trop beau” by Lompeal. A choice that surprised the two young women, a bit panicked at the idea of ​​performing this song. “I like it when it’s Lomepal who sings it, what” then explained Louise.

Vianney and Marc Lavoine tear themselves apart live in “The Voice”
And despite long rehearsal sessions, the performance did not appeal to viewers who expressed their disappointment on Twitter. If Amel Bent and Florent Pagny liked the show, it was not the case of Marc Lavoine who gave his opinion with frankness: “I would have liked more silences, I found it a bit too rich, the vibes at the end…too many notes for me (…) I like the silence when the voice picks up because it gives it a simple strength…” he confessed.

What annoy Viannet who wanted to defend the performance of his talents: “I didn’t find it vulgar or demonstrative” he retorted before adding:It’s an opinion and it’s interesting, but the three here are more interesting on this one.” Benevolent, Marc Lavoine then timidly apologized, declaring:I may have misspoken“.

Very quickly, Internet users came to the defense of Marc Lavoine on Twitter: “Marc Lavoine is very rightI thought the same, the vocalizations at the end were too much, sorry Vianney”, “Marc Lavoine says it’s good to manage silences because that’s where the voice picks up better, Vianney responds to him in mode ‘ no it was not vulgar at all ‘… You betray yourself by caricaturing the words of the interlocutor” , “I like you Vianney but then Marc Lavoine is totally right there” one could read among the reactions.

See also:

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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