March in support of Ukraine in Montreal | “Every day is pain and tears”

Demonstrators marched by the hundreds on Saturday in the Old Port of Montreal, so as not to “forget” the war that has been raging for more than a month.

Posted at 3:33 p.m.

Florence Morin Martel

Florence Morin Martel
The Press

A tide of Ukrainian flags flutters in the wind, among the crowd marching towards the Notre-Dame basilica in Montreal. Megaphones in hand, demonstrators sound the traditional “Glory to Ukraine” and “Stop Putin”, which resound every Saturday in Montreal.

“We don’t want people to get used to war and consider it a background event,” murmurs Tetiana Karpova. Every day is pain and tears for us. Her native village in central Ukraine, near Poltava, was bombed for the first time on Friday, she said. “It was terrible to have a message from my mother telling me that she was really scared because of the noise and the panic”, blows the 31-year-old young woman, who has lived in Canada for four years.

Alana Mota holds a sign that reads, “Never Forgive. Never forget “. “I’ve never felt so passionate in my life as I do now for this cause,” says the 29-year-old. Born in Montreal, Mota reports being “very attached” to her Ukrainian origins. “My culture and the country itself mean a lot to me,” she says. Seeing what is happening there devastates me. »

More details to come.

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