The elected representatives of the UDI party in Mayenne do not seem to be able to agree on who to vote in the first round of the ballot on Sunday April 10. two chosen ones, Senator Elisabeth Doineau and MP Yannick Favennec clearly call for a vote for Emmanuel Macron of the Republic on the move.
In a statement, Yannick Favennec explained that, “even if he did not succeed in everything, if he had some unfortunate sentences and I never hesitated to say what I thought about it, he knew how to hold the helm, lead our country“. For Elisabeth Doineau, it is “because he is up to the situation, I want him to continue his action”.
“Change captain?”
In a letter sent to members, Vincent Saulnier, the boss of the UDI in Mayenne, wants to clarify the situation and recall that his party has made an alliance with Les Républicains. Interviewed by France Bleu Mayenne, he wonders about “the relevance of changing captain in the middle of a storm“, in an anxiety-provoking geopolitical context, plagued by the war in Ukraine. Officially, the UDI supports the Republican candidate Valérie Pécresse. Several elected officials from Mayenne joined its support committee at the end of January.
Among them, the president of the Department, Olivier Richefou, who today casts doubt for the first round : neither Valérie Pécresse, nor Emmanuel Macron. “I have chosen not to sponsor any candidate because I have the feeling that the sponsorship of a president of a departmental council somewhere leads to visibility on the majority group he chairs.“, he explains.
The presidential election divides the members of the UDI, eight days before the first round. But the centrist party will have to clarify its position for the legislative elections, organized in the wake of the presidential election on June 12 and 19.