Anne-Claire Coudray at worst, this close party to “wage war” in Ukraine!

It is not because she is not a war reporter that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia does not affect her closely. Like all the inhabitants of the planet, Anne-Claire Coudray follows the war in Ukraine on a daily basis and the chaos that has reigned since the assault launched by Vladimir Putin at the end of February. Like everyone else, she would like the conflict to end so that there are no more deaths to be deplored and that peace returns to this part of the globe.

Aware that, from her chair as a presenter on the first channel, she takes much less risk than her war reporter friends, Anne-Claire Coudray did not hide her wish to sometimes drop everything and join them in the field. “I often itch to take the plane, especially since I have lots of friends who have left”she confided to our colleagues from Telestar. But if she is closely affected by the war, it is also because, in addition to her colleagues, a relative is currently risking her life to offer images to people who are not there.

This relative left to risk his life

“My cameraman brother-in-law also went to Ukraine (note: working at C dans l’air)”, she reveals to our colleagues in order to make it clear how much this war worried her more than others. So much so that she now understands the demands of her mother who asked her, in the past, not to “taking too many risks”: “I found myself really looking forward to him coming home. To say that at the time, when my mother told me not to take too many risks, I was annoyed by this kind of reflection”.

However, at present, Anne-Claire Coudray is unable to join her relatives in the country in full conflict with Russia. Unlike France 2, TF1 no longer relocates its live broadcasts. “We have not relocated directly in recent years, it is very expensive. There really has to be added value”she concluded.

See also: Anne-Claire Coudray confides in the difficulties she encounters!


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