a couple of doctors move and receive 100,000 euros


Article written by

C.Wormser, G.Sabin, L.Larvor, Y.Rivault guy Sabin, Loéiza Larvor – France 2

France Televisions

A couple of sixty-year-old doctors went to practice in a new town and received a bonus of 100,000 euros. As they leave, they leave their old village without another doctor.

In Fresnay-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe)the general practitioners in their sixties have left the village. A couple, settled for 25 years, left to practice in the Channel. It’s not normal. I think, whether it’s a small town or a big city, people have the right to be treated the same”testifies a resident. Doctors leave 2,500 patients without a solution. Going to work elsewhere and abandoning your clientele, I think they will have a hard time with it”, indicates a woman, who must inform her parents of the departure of their doctors.

The couple of doctors settled in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue (Handle) for a period of five years. It has municipal premises and received aid of 100,000 euros from the CPAM. It’s not a setup boost, it’s more of a retirement boost“, denounces Fabienne Labrette Menagermayor of Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, for which these funds were badly distributed.

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