Florent Pagny hit by the disease, his daughter Aël breaks the silence and reveals a rare video of the singer which speaks volumes!

At the start of the year, Florent Pagny worried his fans. And for good reason through a video unveiled on the Web, the interpreter of “Savoir Aimer” confirmed that he was fighting against the disease. A few days after this terrible announcement, the star spoke during the 8 p.m. TF1 facing Gilles Bouleau.

“I wanted to thank the people who send me love. If I hadn’t had to cancel more than thirty concerts, I wouldn’t have made this video on Instagram”,said Florent Pagny. “I am very well. OK, I have a problem, but I discover it very early, I am at degree 1, it is something that I have had for between 3 and 6 months. I only have one tumor, I have no metastasis, I have nothing in other organs. We can’t operate, because it’s dividing very quickly, so there’s a lot of risk of it spreading to other organs. But today there are really good treatments.”

“Everything is fine”

Despite his cancer, the husband of Azucena Caamaño continued to ensure the filming of “The Voice”. Last March, Florent Pagny also participated in the charity concert in support of the Ukrainian people, called “United for Ukraine” broadcast on France 2. This week, his daughter Aël came out of her silence to reassure her father’s admirers. The young woman who is passionate about photography loves interacting with her community on Instagram.

This Thursday, March 31, Inca’s sister again launched a series of questions and answers to the delight of her followers. The opportunity for her to bounce back on the questioning of a subscriber as to the state of health of the singer: “How is your dad ?”.“Everything is fine. Thanks for all your messages” assured Aël by posting a video of her and her parents enjoying an ice cream. A post that certainly made people happy!


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