Is it possible to start a sport at any age (even advanced)?

Guillaume Douet recommends moving, being in motion, with others and inside your own body. The osteopath notes to what extent the lack of mobility traps the body in pain, he also repeats how much taking time out is good for morale, how much sharing physical activity with a group that comes together at regular intervals is a source of joy.

There are gentle gymnastics clubs in many towns and then you can walk, cycle or swim. You can even be prescribed adapted sports sessions by your doctor.

You see the little creaking gate at the end of the garden. If you decide never to use it again: the rust will take over and it will be out of service. If you rush it by forcing the hinges, it may fall stiff. But there is also the possibility of making him play gently every day, with benevolence, with attention, and he will continue to fulfill his mission.

After a certain age, we are all a little creaking portal, we continue to open ourselves to movement: for ourselves and with others.

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