they lie to us about his state of health, this wheelchair that they absolutely want to hide from us!

Elizabeth II had sworn she would not abdicate, “except Alzheimer’s disease or cardiovascular accident”. For the past few months, his state of health has puzzled more than one. After the death of her husband last April, it must be said that the 95-year-old monarch no longer has quite her form of yesteryear. She was seen walking around with a cane several times, she was hospitalized one day, last fall, and finally, she took a few days off, when she contracted Covid-19, there is a month.

We are not told everything about the queen

So many health glitches that worry the general public. Especially since in private, the very special attentions of her staff suggest that we are not told everything about the queen… Indeed, in Majesty magazine, we are told that the queen sometimes travels by helicopter , from Windsor, that a lift was installed at Balmoral, for 25,000 euros. Rumor has it that she uses a wheelchair in private, but Elizabeth II shows nothing.

Indeed, daughter of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who lived to be 101 years old, still standing, Elizabeth II also fears being photographed in a wheelchair, as was the case for her little sister, Princess Margaret, during the last months of his life. Blind and hemiplegic after a succession of strokes, what was said about his infirmity at the time has “traumatized” Elizabeth II, as reported by the DailyMail.

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This is why the idea of ​​using a wheelchair during the mass tribute to Prince Philip, this March 29, was quickly ruled out. In the Queen’s entourage, there were fears that photographers and videographers present in Westminster would show the Queen in a weak position, where she was crowned almost 70 years ago.

The scandal could not be avoided

So as not to have to hide her difficulty in walking, it was finally on the arm of her son, Prince Andrew, that Elizabeth II, thin and vaulted, arrived on Tuesday. An image that has in any case caused a scandal…


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