how are you, good resolutions? Are you holding up? After quitting smoking and doing more sport, we generally find better eating in these pious wishes at the start of the year. Almost 3 months later, where are you?
Ah, not very far, right? Never mind, we’ll give you a hand to eat healthy and get better organized with Alsatian Sandra Thomann from the Cuisine Addict website. Her food blog started in 2009, and it’s been a huge success ever since. 3 million page views per month in 2020, 580,000 Pinterest subscribers, 58,000 on Facebook, 42,000 on Instagram, it’s a real hit. She has also published several cookbooks on her speciality: batch cooking. In Alsatian, when you say “batsch”, it’s rather the onomatopoeia of something crashing.
But not here. Do you dream of enjoying good meals every day without exploding calories or spending your evenings in the kitchen? Our Alsatian Sandra offers you in her latest book published by Larousse a year of simple and balanced menus, but always really greedy! Choose the one you want, do your shopping using the list provided and set aside 2 or 3 hours on Sunday, for example, to prepare dinners for the week by following the recipes step by step! All you have to do is assemble them and warm them up in the evenings and enjoy yourselves with your family! Well, I tried, it requires a little organization at the beginning, especially if you are short on equipment, or not very good in the kitchen like me, but it saves time once you have taken this good habit.
Calm down, sir! Moreover, if you are a fan of several in one, you can also try your hand at it, because this 448-page bible weighs nearly 2 kg, it appeared in the Collection “C’est décide Je M’y Mets ” published by Larousse, it’s the bible of batch cooking in a light version at 25€95 at your favorite bookstore. And it can make your life easier, like helping you find your chiseled body faster to fit into that pesky bathing suit again.
– Kitchen addict website
The book with excerpts on the Cuisine Addict website.
The Kitchen Addict Facebook page.