Cyrano de Bergerac with Gérard Depardieu in VF, Laurent Labadie in VOC

Huge because the Cyrano, he speaks in rhyme in Frenchand therefore in rhyme in Occitan.

_”It’s a rock!… It’s a peak!… It’s a cape! What am I saying, it’s a cape?… It’s a peninsula!” _: Who doesn’t know this illustrious replica of Cyrano de Bergerac? Now it exists (also) in Occitan.

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This is Laurent Labadie who provides the dubbing of Cyrano-Depardieu, we know him well on France Bleu Périgord during his daily interventions. Right here.

He told us behind the scenes of this Cyrano, pardon Cirano!

To see Cirano de Brageirac: oc vod

source site-36
