The controversy over the McKinsey cabinet, the hearing of the director of the prison of Arles… The informed of Wednesday, March 30

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Wednesday March 30 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Wednesday March 30.

The themes :

Death of Yvan Colonna : the hearing of the director of the prison of Arles before the National Assembly. Marc Ollier, the head of the prison establishment, said he did not believe the explanation of a “blasphemy” uttered by the Corsican prisoner. Did the government take too long to react, letting anger explode in Corsica?

– The controversy over the McKinsey firm: the informed come back to the controversy concerning the massive recourse of the State to consulting firms. A Senate report denounces the “addiction” from the government of Jean Castex and the public authorities to consulting firms. Are cabinets replacing state services?

The informed:

– Saveria Rojekjournalist and political columnist.

– Chloe Morinpolitical scientist, columnist at The Expressauthor of We have the policies we deserve at Fayard.

– Francois Reynaertjournalist & writer, columnist at The Obsauthor of Roger, hero, traitor and sodomitepublished by Fayard

– Stephane VernayParis editorial director ofWest France.

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